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guitarmantraDate: Saturday, 2009-06-06, 6:33 AM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
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This guide on video watermark will enable you to place an image watermark or text watermark over an existing video. Please note that some basic working knowledge of VirtualdubMod would be an advantage, but not a necessity.

To watermark watermark, you must re-encode your video, so it is suggested that you would use this guide immediately after acquiring your source, just before you are about to re-encode your output.

This part deal with how to place a watermark in your video for the entire duration of the video. If you want to watermark only at certain time, or certaibn interval or different watermarks on same video at different section of video,then read the guidence on Part 2 below.

Now lets start Part 1

a) If making a text watermark:

Open up your favourite image manipulation/creation program. Create a new image – I’d suggest a canvas size of 200 (width) x 20 (height) as a good starting point, but you can use whatever you like, just bear in mind how it will look and fit on the screen. Use your image software to paint the background black. Now create the text you wish to appear in the watermark, and place it on the black background, making sure that the text colour is white. Once finished creating your watermark image, save it, but make sure that you save it as either a .BMP or a .TGA file.

b) If you are using an existing image:

Simply open the image, and make sure you save it as a BMP or TGA file.

Please note:
It is imperative that you save your watermark as either a .BMP or a .TGA file, as these are the only file formats virtualdubmod will accept for watermarks.

Some examples of watermark images appear below:


Existing image:


Open Virtualdubmod, go to File > open video file:

Select your source video and press the Open button.

Attachments: 7086075.jpg (2.0 Kb) · 2042102.jpg (3.5 Kb) · 4376368.jpg (27.0 Kb)
guitarmantraDate: Saturday, 2009-06-06, 6:43 AM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
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You should now have something similar to the following:

Go to Video > Filters:

Click the Add button, scroll down to the logo filter:

click "ok"
Attachments: 4635726.jpg (29.3 Kb) · 5488192.jpg (7.8 Kb) · 2345681.jpg (15.5 Kb)
guitarmantraDate: Saturday, 2009-06-06, 6:48 AM | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
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You should now have something similar to the following:

Press the … button to the right of the Logo image field and select image for watermark image.
Tick the enable per-pixel alpha blending using alpha channel tickbox.
Leave the Use premultiplied alpha tickbox ticked.
Tick the use gray channel of secondary image for alpha channel tickbox.
Press the … button to the right of the Alpha image field and select your watermark image.
Click the Show Preview button, and you should have something similar to the following:

Here is preview that you 'll get
Attachments: 4967892.jpg (29.2 Kb) · 1806797.jpg (18.7 Kb) · 9753772.jpg (20.4 Kb)
guitarmantraDate: Saturday, 2009-06-06, 6:54 AM | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
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1. corresponds to the opacity of your watermark, It control how transparent (see-through)your image should be as watermark.. I’d recommend a value of 50% if you wish the background to show through from behind the watermark. Changes are automatically previewed, so you can quickly see the results of your actions.

2. corresponds to the manual adjustment of the positioning of the watermark, where X offset is the distance from the left of the video, and Y offset is the distance from the top of the video.

3. corresponds to the preset adjustment of the positioning of the watermark. TL stands for Top Left, MC stands for Middle Centre, BR stands for Bottom Right …… and you get the idea.

Please Note:
If you have used the manual adjustment, this will also affect the presets, so if you change your mind and decide to use a preset instead of manually adjusting the placement of the watermark, make sure you set both the X offset and the Y offset back to 0, otherwise you might get some unexpected results.

Once you are happy with your settings, click OK, and then OK again.

You should now have the following:

Finally you should set up your video with any encoding settings you desire as per normal. Once you have selected your compression settings for both video and audio (if required),

Go to File > Save As, specify your output filename,
click the Save button, or start the frameserver if you’re frameserving to an MPEG encoder.

Attachments: 2587870.jpg (29.4 Kb)
guitarmantraDate: Saturday, 2009-06-06, 7:00 AM | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
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examples of watermarks with opacity set at 50%:

Text watermark at 50% opacity

Image watermarked at 50 % opacity

If you need different watermarks at different interval go to Part 2

Attachments: 3543535.jpg (22.1 Kb) · 6899160.jpg (21.5 Kb)
guitarmantraDate: Saturday, 2009-06-06, 7:11 AM | Message # 6
Group: Administrators
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In this section, you'll be able to set custom durations for one or many watermark logos/text.

Download Donald Graft's logo filter and extract all files in the Zip file into your Virtualdubmod\plugins directory.

Go to Video > Filters.
Click the Add button.
Click the Load button.
Browse to your VirtualdubMod\plugins directory, select the logo.vdf file and press OK. Scroll down through the list of filters until you find logo (1.4), click on it, and press OK.

You will be presented with the following:

I found the help file so descriptive that IMO it would be very beneficial for me just to post the entire contents of it here

They are in 2 parts , quoted below


This filter provides the ability to overlay a logo contained in a bitmap file. The position of the bitmap may be specified. Selectable alpha blending allows variable merging with the video, and a transparent color may be selected to obtain a free-floating effect. Animated logos can be created by defining a series of bitmaps. Filter preview is supported.

This filter is ideal for unobtrusively placing a logo on the video as is done on many cable TV channels.

Two test bitmaps and an animated bitmap sequence are provided in the zip file.

How to Make a Static Logo
Create a 24-bit-depth windows bitmap file with the desired size and with a transparent color zone if desired. The transparency color may be arbitrarily selected and then configured in the filter configuration.
In the filter configuration dialog box, enter the input file. If the specified bitmap file cannot be found, or if it is not a bitmap file, or if it is of the wrong depth, the output frame will be all black. Set the desired X and Y coordinates, the starting frame and the duration (in frames). Set the desired alpha blend and transparent color.

Attachments: 0900091.jpg (29.4 Kb)
guitarmantraDate: Saturday, 2009-06-06, 7:12 AM | Message # 7
Group: Administrators
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How to Make an Animated Logo
To make an animated logo, create a series of bitmap files named name0000.bmp, name0001.bmp, name0002.bmp, etc. (you can replace "name" with desired text). Specify the first one as the input file and check the 'Animation sequence' checkbox. Set the duration to be the number of frames to display each bitmap file before moving to the next one. Set the loop count to the number of repetitions desired for the sequence. Set the other parameters as described for static logos.
Note that stepping forward and rewinding will operate correctly, but stepping backward is currently not supported.

A sample sequence is provided that produces a spinning earth. To run it, set the duration to 1, loops to 0, and enable a transparent color of 0/0/0.

Detailed Option Descriptions
The following options are provided:
Input file: Specifies the full pathname of the bitmap file to be used.

Animation sequence: Check this to enable an animated sequence.

X: This option determines the X offset of the start of the bitmap on the video.

Y: This option determines the Y offset of the start of the bitmap on the video.

Starting frame: The frame number on which to begin displaying the logo.

Duration: For a static bitmap, the number of frames for which to display the logo. For animated bitmaps, the number of frames to display each bitmap before moving to the next bitmap. To display a bitmap for the whole clip length, select 0.

Loops: For static logos, this has no effect. For animated logos, the number of repetitions of the bitmap sequence. To loop forever, select 0.

Alpha: This option determines the blending of the bitmap with the video. For full bitmap and no video, use the value 255. As this value is reduced toward 0, more and more of the video is blended in. An alpha of about 100-128 gives a nice unobtrusive overlay.

Fade: These options allow for the logo to be faded in and/or out. For fade-in, the starting frame number of the fade is determined by the logo starting frame. The length of the fade is determined by the In Len value. For fade-out, the ending frame number of the fade is determined by the Out End value. The length of the fade is determined by the Out Len value. If fade-in and fade-out overlap, fade-out overrides. Even if the logo is otherwise enabled such that it would appear beyond the end of a fade-out if the fade-out were not there, the logo will be suppressed after the fade-out. Finally, if you put silly values in the fade boxes, you will get what you deserve.

Enable transparent color: Check this if you have made a transparent color zone in your bitmap. Then select the transparent color in the Red, Green, and Blue edit boxes. Full video shows in the transparent areas. The tolerance box allows you to specify a 'sloppiness' factor fo the match to the transparent color. As long as the difference between each color channel and the corresponding specified transparent color is not greater than the specified tolerance, then the color will be considered to be transparent. For example, if the tolerance is 10 and the specified transparent color is 37:45:10, then a color 39:44:5 will be considered transparent, while a color 39:56:11 will not be transparent (because one color channel's difference exceeds tolerance).
talerDate: Wednesday, 2013-05-22, 3:02 PM | Message # 8
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You want to add text/logo image into video, you may try third party software.Lots of free softwares out theretoo ifyou google "video watermark",such as RE wartermark tool which has been in my possession forquite long time .Good luck!

Watermark component in.NET | Image processing SDK

Message edited by taler - Wednesday, 2013-05-22, 3:08 PM
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