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Fedora 12 (Constantine) Linux Operating System

Fedora 12 (Constantine) latest release of popular Linux OS Fedora core with lot of improvements and flexibility,built by people across the globe working together in a community, the Fedora Project, supported by Red Hat team. The best thing updated in Fedora 12 is that there are many softwares added to helps you work, play, organize, and socialize. Fedora 12 can be the best operating system for all types of computers as it could be used on servers, desktops and laptops.

Like other varients of Linux OS, Fedora 12 can be used directly from CD without having to install it on hard drive. If you want to install it on hard drive, repartition of hard drive is recommended.

New features added in Fedora 12

Category: Linux OS | Views: 1489 | Added by: Monster | Date: 2009-12-09 | Comments (1)

Valuable operating system Of linux on one CD! Using "live” regime, One makes possible for you to try Linux without the thoughts about the possibility to damage system. Using it without the installation you you will be assured that you will not destroy important data.

Rapid installation Of one - lightest way to begin work from Linux.

You will establish Mandriva for one cry. You can continue to sit in the chat room or to play in the process of installation!

You will be introduced to the experience of the last 3d- technologies of the acceleration of working table by the method simplest of the possible.

One includes full support to 3d for the basic video adapters and makes very with lung the start of the valuable 3d- accelerated effects of working table. The last system of the 3d- acceleration of working table, Compiz Of fusion, ensure ... Read more to Download »

Category: Linux OS | Views: 1117 | Added by: KathmanduRocks | Date: 2009-10-13 | Comments (0)

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