
10:31 PM
A tribute to Les paul, a guitar Innovator

Born Lester William Polsfuss in Waukesha, Wisconsin on June 9, 1915, Les paul is the one of the real guitar hero but on August 13, sad for all rock n roll lovers specially to guitarists all over the world, we faced the demise of the guitar legend from severe pneumonia complications at White Plains Hospital in White Plains, New York.The world witnesses the lost of a remarkable innovator of guitar and a true musician.

When it comes about les paul, the famous guitar model "Les Paul" comes in our mind. And yes, this guitar model is named after him as he was early innovator in the development of the solid body guitar which is now known as the best selling guitar model from Gibson guitars, Les Paul which was first released in market in 1952. Apart from the Les paul's guitar design and sound, the innovator himself was found contributing in technical fields such as in develkopment of multi-track recording, guitar effects, and the mechanics of sound.

He started his first recordings of his music career in just one acoustic guitar in 1936 with the stage name “Rhubarb Red" which was named by his early guitar mentor Wolverton.Then he did some work for blues singer Georgia White as a backing guitarist.In early days he used to be known as Django Reinhardt-informed jazz guitarist .

Les Paul and Mary Ford

In 1937, Les Paul formed his trio but in 1938, he migrated to Newyork to start carrer with Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians. and in his late 30's he was already constructing electric guitar for himself. Actually he was not sattisfied with hollow body guitars that were available as they have thin tone and they lacks sustains along with problems like feedbacks. This is why he though about making guitar for himself that amplifies pure string vibration without having to depend on wood for resonance of sound. Which was appreciated first by the president of Epiphone , Epi Stathopoulo so Paul used the Epiphone plant and machinery in 1941 to bring his vision.

Then putting a hold to Pennsylvanians and the rest, he moved to Hollywood(California). As World War was going on, He had to join the army where he regular player for Armed Forces Radio Service. By 1943, he formed his trio again.In 1944 he got into the jazz spotlight.By this time, he had successfully combined Reinhardt-inspired jazz and western swing with twang to a distinct style.

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