
4:55 PM
Joomla 1.6 released
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Joomla 1.6 released

The most awaited version of Joomla, Joomla 1.6 is the next generation of Joomla has been released yesterday on late 10th January 2010. Joomla is the most popular Open Source Content Management System and application framework which Joomla.Org has been working to release Joomla 1.6 in mid 2009 but it took nearly 6 more months to release a bug free, error free stable version of Joomla 1.6 with more improvements and Power.

Major changes and improvements in Joomla 1.6
  • New Access Control System - Allows site administrators control over who can view and manage content.
  • Unlimited Depth Organizational Model - Gives site administrators and content creators user-defined category levels that allow for the creation of a category tree with as many or as few levels for organizing articles and other content as needed.
  • One-Click Extension Updates - Allows users to keep sites secure and controlled by simplifying the process of updating extensions.
  • Semantic XHTML Layouts - Provides a better baseline for content presentation.
  • Finer access controls for viewing and editing content with configurable user groups and viewing levels
  • A user-defined category structure, from simple one-level to complex multi-level categories
  • Installation improvements allowing for multiple extension installations in one package, updatable with a single click
  • Expanded language support for easy production of multi-lingual sites
  • Start and end publishing times for modules with more control over where they display,
  • Fresh new templates and semantic markup to please the eye as well as the search engines
  • More creative control through template styles
  • Hundreds of additional features, streamlining workflow and productivity
  • Advanced and rich API’s will provide new opportunities to integrate
  • More easier and yet more powerful Search Engine friendly SEO
  • More stylish graphics
  • Ждать версия Joomla, Joomla 1.6 следующее поколени Joomla была выпущена вчера на последнем 10-ое января 2010. Joomla самые популярные рамки системы управления и применения содержания открытого источника которым Joomla.Org работало для того чтобы выпустить Joomla 1.6 в среднее 2009 но оно приняло почти 6 больше месяцев для того чтобы выпустить черепашку свободную, безошибочную стабилизированную версию Joomla 1.6 с больше улучшений и силу.

    Joomla 1.6 admin

    Joomla 1.6 is a new rebirth of the most prefered Open source CMS and Framework

    Download Joomla 1.6 stable version release

  • Download Joomla 1.6 stable version
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    Category: Web developments | Views: 1121 | Added by: Monster | Tags: Joomla, Joomla 1.6 | Rating: 5.0/2
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