
8:24 PM
LyricsGetter 1.0
LyricsGetter 1.0

When you like a song so much that all you want to do is sing it all day long, you need to know the lyrics by heart so that you don't make up the song's original message. Now, thanks to LyricsGetter, you have no excuse for getting the words wrong. This easy-to-use tool helps you find the lyrics for any song. Simply enter the name of the song for which you want to find the lyrics and click on "Search lyrics".

You can also enter the name of the artist but if you don't, LyricsGetter will show up a list with all available artists that have a song by that name. You can then read the lyrics on the program's interface, save them to a TXT file or have them printed on paper. LyricsGetter doesn't really feature any more options or configuration settings at all, but at least it's a cleaner and faster way to find lyrics than having to browse ad-ridden websites.

Category: Multimedia tools | Views: 875 | Added by: guitarmantra | Tags: lyrics on the program's interface, LyricsGetter 1.0, find the lyrics, ad-ridden websites | Rating: 0.0/0
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