
Foundation Blender Compositing By Roger Wickes is a tutorial on using Blender 3D suite which can be used for modeling, animation, and rendering but not limited to as it can be used as fully functional compositing and post-production application.Foundation Blender Compositing also teaches compositing and post-production tool in the video and film production pipeline. Just see the book cover from famous 3D movie "Big Bunny Buck" which clears what this book can teach you do in 3D animation.

Foundation Blender Compositing By Roger Wickes
  • Create and apply masks and special effects in Blender
  • Composite images using Blender's Node-based Compositor
  • Sequence and overlay video and audio using Blender's Non-Linear Editor
  • This book provides concise yet step-by-step examples on using all of the power of Ble ... Read more to Download »

    Category: Tutorials n Ebooks | Views: 872 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2011-07-06 | Comments (0)