
8:08 AM
Blender 2.49b Stable (Autodesk 3ds Max Alternative)
Blender 2.49b Stable (Autodesk 3ds Max Alternative) preview

Blender is the best alternative to Autodesk 3ds Max. It is all in one 3D content creation suite available for all major operating systems. It includes tools for modeling – fast subdivision surface and polygon tools, multi-resolution mesh sculpting, metaballs, NURBS, vector fonts, and curves; uv mapping; shaders and texturing – both paint based and node based; ik and fk animation tools with rigging, constraints, skinning, morph targets, drivers, deformers, and modifiers; simulation tools including hard bodies, soft body, cloth, and fluids; and particle systems including hair.

Blender has integration for rendering with both native renderer and the raytracer Yafray as well supporting many external renderers; and python based scripting.

Download Blender 2.49b Stable (Autodesk 3ds Max Alternative)

  • Download Blender 2.49b Stable (Autodesk 3ds Max Alternative)
  • Category: Graphics n designs | Views: 1114 | Added by: KathmanduRocks | Tags: Blender 2.49b Stable, Autodesk 3ds Max Alternative, blender, Autodesk 3ds Max | Rating: 5.0/2
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