
RDesc v2.27

RDesc is download accelerator developed to ease automate downloading of files from internet specially from those file uploading sites like rapidshare, megashare, megauploads, hotfiles. Besides this, you can also queue download links so that they are automatically downloaded one after another. Moreover you can select how many files to ownload at a time. It also support parallel downloads. It can also reset ip such that you can bypass waiting time for next download from such one click hosts like rapidshare, hotfile, megaupload.

RDesc is very similar to JDownloader. But the difference is it runs faster than JDownloader.

Tested no virus, no spywares, no adwares 100% clean downloads

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Category: Download n Internet | Views: 1219 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2010-02-02 | Comments (1)