
It would be not wrong, Glamour,fashion and modelling are the only things that picked up in Nepal. Like in the rest of the world Female Modelling have groomed like mushrooms. With many modelling sites and fashionable girls from cities like Dharan,Pokhara,Biratnagar,Kathmandu etc belonging from family whose family head had been working in army in different parts of world, Fashion, Glamour and Modelling has changed alot and its very less different than in other parts of the world.

These gals from such families belonging to Mongolian Caste are so open for exposure, that modelling and glamour in Nepal had sometimes exceeded the sexiness. Modelling for Lingerie,bras,Panties, camisoles,G-string are very common now for most of female mode ... Read more »

Category: Fashion/Glamour | Views: 2754 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2009-06-28 | Comments (0)