
10:01 AM
Teamviewer 5 with Voip features

New Teamviewer 5 with Voip features available

With in few years, Teamviewer dominated over all the remote Access and Support softwares now. The new version,Teamviewer 5.0.7572 seems to be more better as it added features such as Voip webcam and application selection features that have never been found available in any remote access software before.

The audio video Voip feature in Teamviewer 5 can be taken as very important innovation in remote desktop which will attract more and more people to use Teamviewer. Besides this Teamviewer 5 is more powerful, faster than Teamviewer 4 plus could connect with older versions user.Teamviewer 5 has been tested and found fully compatible with Windows 7.

Category: Softwares | Views: 1200 | Added by: KathmanduRocks | Tags: Teamviewer | Rating: 5.0/6
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