
3:45 PM
CyberLink PowerDVD 7.0 Deluxe Enhanced
CyberLink PowerDVD 7.0 Deluxe and Enhanced cyber link power dvd deluxe plus enhanced

Features of PowerDVD 7 :

    The Highest Definition Video Playback:
  • Mind boggling clarity and a gust of sharp, bright colors to blow away foggy memories of dull DVD images. PowerDVD 7 gives you "THE" highest definition video playback supporting the latest video technologies including support for key Blu-ray formats such as MPEG-4 H.264.
    Feel the Vibes:
  • Experience the whoomp and get completely submerged in a whirlwind of vibrations that only the best DTS and Dolby surround sound technology can deliver. Ending all debate over DTS vs Dolby quality, PowerDVD 7 gives you support for both of these great technologies.
    Unsurpassed Video Quality :
  • Intensely Vivid Images : CyberLink's second-generation dynamic video technology (CLEV-2) delivers DVD movies with greater luminance and more natural colors.
  • Smart Video Deinterlacing: Intelligent frame-by-frame analysis produces ultra-smooth DVD playback by eliminating ghosting, feathering, and other elements.
  • Multi-Display Ratios: CyberLink Pano Vision (CLPV) supports both 4:3 and 16:9 DVD content and displays with stretching technology to naturally optimize the display ratio of content with the available monitor
Category: Cd/dvd/blueray | Views: 1274 | Added by: guitarmantra | Tags: CyberLink PowerDVD 7.0, dynamic video technology, Highest Definition Video | Rating: 5.0/4
Total comments: 1
1 ReadyforAnything  
Power Dvd is the best for playing Dvd, specially Dvds with video

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