
7:38 AM
Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20 Multilingual

Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20 Multilingual

Ashampoo Internet Accelerator simply is a great tool to increase internet browsing speed. It analyzes settings in your computer and optimizes it to relevant settings using automatic optimizer, boosting the performance. The new version, Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20 also includes an Internet connection speed test tool which lets you test internet speed performance directly. One can easily set individual settings and adjust them manually.

Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20 has been redesigned from its previous versions along with the layout to make it even more easier to use,added a set of new tools and features for managing your Internet connection.

Since Internet Explorer and Moxilla Firefox are most popular web browsers, Ashampoo Internet Accelerator lets you configure Internet Explorer and Firefox to boost their performance right from internet Accelerator. Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20 also have large number of useful browser settings.

Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20 also have Internet Cleaner tool that makes it easy to clean or delete internet records from all browsers more quicker with separate settings for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera.

Hosts File Checker tool in Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20 makes it secure to use internet as it checks and prevent you from Spyware and other malicious programs that can use Your computer’s "Hosts” file lists to redirect you to fake and dangerous sites and harm your computer.

Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20 also have an optional feature for checking some advanced parameters for finding the best setting. You can use it on your choice.

Download Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20

  • Download Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20
  • Category: Download n Internet | Views: 1029 | Added by: guitarmantra | Tags: Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3.20, increase internet browsing speed, Hosts File Checker, Internet Accelerator, Internet Cleaner tool | Rating: 5.0/5
    Total comments: 1
    1 KathmanduRocks  
    very good software to increase internet speed. thanks

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