
5:13 AM
Digital Arts - January 2012 (HQ PDF)

Digital Arts - January 2012 (HQ PDF) English | 68 pages | HQ PDF | 51.50 Mb Digital Arts - January 2012

Digital Arts - comprehensive coverage of the art of graphic design, 3D, animation, video, effects, web and interactive design. Digital Arts is the UK's leading resource for creative professionals. igital Arts addresses the needs of those within the exploding digital media market by providing relevant and forward thinking content, and by consistently running more exclusive reviews and features than any other magazine in the market.

Download Digital Arts - January 2012 (HQ PDF)

Category: Tutorials n Ebooks | Views: 713 | Added by: guitarmantra | Tags: digital arts, animation, graphic design, 3D | Rating: 5.0/1
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