
5:08 AM
.PSD Photoshop - Decembre 2011 [French]

.PSD Photoshop - Decembre 2011 French | True PDF | 50 Pages | 10 MB

.PSD Photoshop - the excellent french magazine devoted to a photoshop and processing of photos. It is a lot of text, there are lessons a photoshop, reviews of lenses and cameras and many other things.

.PSD Photoshop - le magazine francais excellent consacre a un photomagasin et a un traitement de photos. C'est beaucoup de texte, il y a des lecons un photomagasin, les revisions de lentilles et appareils de photo et beaucoup d'autres choses.

Download .PSD Photoshop - Decembre 2011

Category: Tutorials n Ebooks | Views: 877 | Added by: guitarmantra | Tags: Photoshop, photomagasin | Rating: 5.0/1
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