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PHP Development in the Cloud By Ivo Jansch, Vito Chin Publisher: Tab..ini & Associ..ates, Inc. 2011 | 172 Pages | ISBN: 0981034527 | EPUB + PDF | 6 MB + 9 MB PHP Development in the Cloud

Download PHP Development in the Cloud

Most developers gloss over when they hear "the cloud” as the term has been appropriated by marketing types and has very little true meaning anymore. In this book, Vito and Ivo strip bare the buzzwords and help PHP developers figure out what the cloud is actually about and how they can take advantage of what cloud computing has to offer. After reading this book, you will not only have a clear picture of what cloud computing is, but you’ll also be able to utilize the various cloud services that are out there.

Topics covered include:

Category: Web development/SEO | Views: 996 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2011-12-25 | Comments (0)

Most existing web app books cover a specific stage of the development process, such as the technical build or user interface design. For entrepreneurs or project managers who need a complete overview of the web app development lifecycle, little material currently exists.

In this book, balanced, well-researched advice is imparted with the understanding that different situations and organisations require different approaches. It distills the equivalent of multiple books into the vital, practical information you need to create a successful web app, mixing robust resources with narrative explanations.

Download A Practical Guide to Web App Success 2011 By Dan Zambonini

Category: Web development/SEO | Views: 983 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2011-11-18 | Comments (0)