
6:53 AM
Windows 7 Theme for Windows XP

After successful release of Windows Vista, Microsoft just released latest operating system, Windows 7. As everyone experienced, Windows Vista runs slow or even don't work on same old computer. This must be same with the new Windows 7 as this is the latest release. Everyone likes to use new system but many of us can't just throw away old computer and buy new one with more sufficient hardware. For all those who can't use vista or windows 7, we can give our same Windows Xp or Vista, the look of Windows 7.Windows 7 looks very much like Vista.

We are not going to get our hands on much anticipated Microsoft Windows 7 anytime soon, but we can enjoy the look and feel now on our Windows XP & Vista system's using the "Windows 7 Desktop Theme", Since not much details about the upcoming OS is available, the theme looks very similar to Windows Vista but provide some nice refreshing changes to the same old look.

To install:

  • Download Windows 7 Theme here
  • Or
  • Download Windows 7 Theme here
  • Install "UXTheme Multi-Patcher 6.0.exe" from here.
  • Or
  • Install "UXTheme Multi-Patcher 6.0.exe" from here.
  • Double-click "Windows 7 M1 VS.msstyles" in "Theme\Windows 7 M1 VS" folder to install.
  • Category: OS and Transformation | Views: 1187 | Added by: guitarmantra | Tags: windows vista, UXTheme Multi-Patcher 6.0, Windows 7 Theme, look of Windows 7, Microsoft, windows xp | Rating: 5.0/5
    Total comments: 1
    1 Vandalism  
    smile Good download links..thanks plz check my download links too.

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