
Upgrading and Repairing PCs (2011 Edition) Q..e | 2011 | ISBN: 0789747103 | 1104 pages | epub, PDF | 63 MB

Upgrading and Repairing PCs

…a comprehensive resource for PC enthusiasts and professionals alike. Packed with the latest speeds and feeds, you’ll want to keep this book on-hand as an authoritative technology reference.”

–Chris Angelini, Managing Editor, Tom’s Hardware

Category: Tutorials n Ebooks | Views: 2683 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2012-01-17 | Comments (0)

Guitarist - February 2012 (HQ PDF) Guitarist - February 2012 English | 188 pages | HQ PDF | 154.00 Mb

Guitarist is Europe's longest-established guitar magazine. Its aims are clear: to improve our readers' knowledge of the instrument, help them make the right buying choices and assist them in becoming a better guitarist

Category: Guitar Lessons | Views: 1308 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2012-01-17 | Comments (0)

Dataquest India - 31 January 2012 (HQ PDF) English | 100 pages | HQ PDF | 76,2 Mb Dataquest India - 31 January 2012

Referred to as the Bible of Indian IT, DATAQUEST has constantly endeavored to highlight the major issues faced by the industry and users, publishing in-depth analyses of market trends and fast changing technologies. As the pioneer and leader of IT media in India since 1982, the magazine has consistently kept track of new developments in the IT industry and the corresponding information needs of the corporate user.

Category: Tutorials n Ebooks | Views: 927 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2012-01-17 | Comments (0)