
8:05 PM
VTC Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Administration Tutorials CD
VTC Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Administration Tutorials CD

VTC Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Administration Tutorials by VTC software Training CD.

SQL Server 2005 is Microsoft’s latest release of their enterprise database solution product. SQL Server 2005 is the result of five years of research, development and collection of suggestions and wish lists from database administrators and developers. Microsoft continues to drive the enterprise database market with the added features and capabilities of this new product. Microsoft Certified Database Administrator and Certified Trainer Mark Long covers the basics of SQL Server 2005 administration in this course. To begin learning simply click the links.

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  • Category: Tutorials n Ebooks | Views: 1103 | Added by: guitarmantra | Tags: Microsoft SQL Server Administrator, Microsoft Certified, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Certified Database Administrator, database solution | Rating: 5.0/3
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