
Sabayon Linux 5.1 Core

Sabayon Linux 5.1 is the latest release of trhe cutest and the fastest free Linux OS, Sabayon Linux. Sabayon Linux actually accumulates the best from other different Linux distributions into a single Linux OS. It is powered by the Linux kernel and GNU and uses Gentoo Linux as its base. Sabayon Linux 5.1 CoreCD release is targeted specially to linux users who want to take full control of the features and packages installed on their system. It comes with pre-installed media codecs, drivers, and games.

Sabayon Linux 5.1 is probably the only Linux Os which fully supports Gaming environment.

Feature list:

  • Bootable Image suitable for a CD or USB thumb drive (~300MB-350MB)
  • Text-Based installer
  • Basic default networking
  • Entropy and Porta ... Read more to Download »
    Category: Linux OS | Views: 1235 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2010-01-10 | Comments (0)