
The internet has become a major player in todays music market, especially thanks to online sales from sources such as iTunes; while most web music sales sites boast around 40,000 songs, iTunes offers over 1.3 millionwith 25,000 new songs being added each month. From online purchasing to great artist sites like Gorillaz, Lenny Kravitz, and Iggy Pop to recording companies, labels, ringtone sites, online radios, and more, this is the essential guide for researching and enjoying music online.

Download TASCHEN Books ICONS Web Design : Music Sites - Ed. Julius Wiedemann

Category: Web development/SEO | Views: 1513 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2010-12-13 | Comments (0)

Like John Gray, relationship expert and motivational speaker DeAngelis (Are You the One for Me?, etc.) highlights recognizable distinctions between the needs and communicating styles of men and women. Based upon the experiences of "tens of thousands of people" and women's responses to a questionnaire, her latest work aspires to offer "simple, practical ways to communicate and make both (sexes) happier." Though arguably bordering on stereotype, her easily digestible truths (women put love first, are creators, have a sacred relationships with time) can help both sexes gain perspective.

But treacly writing (e.g., "no beauty treatment... outfit... jewels... can make a woman look as radiant as when she is feeling loved") and heavy-handed admonitions (e.g., to read the book "from start to finish") detract from more helpful observations. However, restraint is not DeAngelis's trademark, nor what fans expect. Though the focus is on inte ... Read more to Download »

Category: Tutorials n Ebooks | Views: 1597 | Added by: guitarmantra | Date: 2010-12-13 | Comments (0)